Where Your Gift Goes
Each year the DEI Endowment Committee selects one or more organizations to support underrepresented groups in Northern California. Grants from previous years are detailed below.
2023 - 2024 Grants
In 2023-24, the SEAONC DEI Endowment Committee funded a collaboration between Oakland Unified School District’s “Engineering Pathways” program and UC Berkeley’s (CEE)2 program to create an “Introduction to Structural Engineering” curriculum. Community Engaged Education in Civil and Environmental Engineering, or (CEE)2, is a first-of-its-kind program dedicated towards advancing community engagement within research, teaching, and service across CEE as well as building relationships and strengthening partnerships with underserved Bay Area communities.
2022 - 2023 Grants
In 2022-23, the SEAONC DEI Endowment Committee supported SEAONC’s broader partnership with Ignited to help fund the second annual AEC Week. The goal of AEC Week is to promote structural engineering to the public; foster diversity, equity, inclusion, and engagement within the profession; and inspire future generations of structural engineers. As part of this effort, the program showcases structural engineering and collaborations with architecture and construction through tours, job shadows, and presentations. The program coaches teachers to create lesson plans that will engage students around key concepts, career competencies, and job pathways. 70% of participating teachers serve schools that are high need and 40% serve schools with a majority of students of color. The SEAONC DEI Endowment Committee provided $4,500 to fund three teachers from underserved schools to attend AEC Week.

2021 - 2022 Grants
In its inaugural year of 2021-22, the SEAONC DEI Endowment Committee funded three $10,000 grants to three local organizations: the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). These grants were used for scholarships and other initiatives to support diversity in the structural engineering profession in the San Francisco Bay Area.